Something about us: back to the German startpage, klick here
We are a nonprofit association of radio amateurs who have set ourselves the task of providing advice and assistance to seagoing yachts with amateur radio operators as well as to just listeners. Weather information is transmitted daily, in German (English in case of necessity) and via e-mail, on request. Further the personal conversation and information exchange, as commonplace among amateur radio operators, is a usual and vital part of our networks. Just listen, the livestream gives you an impression of our activities.
Broadcasting times:
The morning net will take place at 09:00 UTC. (From March 31 - 08:00 UTC)
The evening net starts at 16:30 UTC.
Netcontrol contact address: For weather enquiries and greetings to the Netcontrol, the address is "dl0ima [at]". As spam protection, the subject line must start with "//WL2K".
Legal disclaimer:
All information provided by INTERMAR is on “best effort basis” and should serve as a qualified “second opinion”. Any decisions, actions and consequences taken, are solely the responsibility of the user. INTERMAR cannot, under any circumstances, be held liable for any damage or other consequences incurred.